Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December 25 & reasons to celebrate

All three of today's reasons to celebrate go hand in hand, although one of them is certainly a good attempt at humor during the holiday season. That's what makes bizarre holidays interesting, right?

It's Christmas and all that implies. Food, family gatherings, presents, spending too much money, eating too much food, being polite to relatives you dislike. It seems these days, the real reason for the season is often overlooked.

It wouldn't be a proper Christmas dinner without pie. Not just any kind of pie. It's National Pumpkin Pie Day again. This round dessert receives honors two times throughout the year. It's good, especially with a dollop of whipped cream (fresh from the dairy barn).

Today is also A'phabet Day or No L Day. Get it? No L. Good word play!! Of course, we can still say We wish you a merry Christmas (because there is no L in any of those words).

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