Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 24 weird 'n wacky celebrations

Belly Laugh Day is a time to cut loose and let laughter lighten the day. Studies show that laughter releases stress and is a good cure-all for what ails you. At 1:24 PM, holiday officials want you to throw your arms to the sky and laugh. For other possible ways to celebrate, check out the official holiday website.

Most people don't like to toot their own horns, and some people don't know how to handle when others praise them. But for today, let it go, and learn to accept a compliment because it is National Compliment Day. My mom always said that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Find out more at the this website and find something nice to say.

At first, I thought our next cause to celebrate was a fashionable holiday, but in actuality, Women in Blue Jeans Day pays tribute to the women of rural America. Women involved in ag met in Mitchell, South Dakota, for the 6th annual conference.

Women's Healthy Weight Day promotes healthy living.

And one of my favorite days - Beer Can Appreciation Day - is a huge celebration around our farm. We collect beer cans. And later, we cash 'em in and make enough money to buy another 12 cans to add to the collection. It's a vicious cycle! But if you really take a look at beer cans in a collection, there are definitely some unique pieces of aluminum circulating out there.

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